White Hot Voices....Your FAVOURITES
At White Hot, there are few things we enjoy more than hearing how much you love our products. I can’t tell you how good it feels to receive positive feedback, see your #silverselfies and read messages sharing your White Hot beauty hacks. More than ever, we have been trying to keep the positivity flowing and I just thought I would share a few wonderful notes we have received recently. As we always say, there’s more to life than hair, but nevertheless, it does give us a boost to hear in the smallest possible way, we’re helping you feel your best. A few years ago I went to my hairdresser and said I was fed up of colouring it but was a little apprehensive about ‘going grey’. We talked it through and it took a little while but the results were amazing. My hair looked great! I found White Hot Hair online and decided to try it. My hair always looks great even as it is growing during the lockdown. All the products are well worth the cost and I would recommend it to anyone with grey hair! - Morag Ditched the dye three years ago and have never looked back. My hair is in better condition, it matches my aging skin tone. It is enhanced by your products, thankyou - Caroline Oh my goodness, didnt think Shooshing Crème would be THIS good. Was sceptical before I tried it, can't praise it enough ! - Ali My hair has recently grown back after chemo and it’s silver white. I immediately tried the Shooshing Crème and was “ delighted” I look as though I have twice the growth . Thank you so much - Sue My favourite product is Lifeshine Oil. Like the whole range, it smells fab. More importantly, it makes my hair gleam with health.- Anne I use Glorious Shampoo supplemented with Brilliant once a week and follow with Luminous Conditioner. They really are the best products I’ve found. You have to treat your silver/grey hair with kindness - Donna I use the Brilliant Shampoo on my white hair. It’s the only purple shampoo that doesn’t turn my hair lilac!!! - Colette Need some advice? Fancy trying something new? Or just fancy a chat? Find us on Facebook or Instagram or drop us an email at customercare@whitehothair.co.
Jayne Founder - White Hot