White Hot Voices....Ditching the Dye
From root covering, unexpected dye-ditching and blending in the grow-out line to making a choice to go grey once and for all or simply experimenting with styles until hairdresser reunions, hair has been a (White) hot topic recently. As we always say, there is far more to life than hair, now more than ever but upon hearing that hairdressers are unlikely to open until July at the earliest in the UK, many will be facing the growing (literally) decision of whether they’re ready to fully take the plunge to grey or not. A lot of you will already be there, but just to help those that aren’t or are undecided, I thought I would share a few of the comments and messages we have been receiving on this very topic (.....and there have been many).
I am now completely silver gray but like you did my hair over many years. To start I went lighter and then just started using toners to blend in. I also took the opportunity for a restyle, going shorter with a new style made it so much easier. It was the best decision ever. People comment on my hair now which they never did before. I wish I had done it years ago or not dyed it when the first grey hairs showed in my twenties. - Alison I went natural 2 years ago. Such freedom. Its short, salt & pepper and I love it - Diana Letting my grey grow in was one of the most liberating things I have done. I was 60. Now I would never go back. You can do it! - Amy I coloured my hair for 40 years and now it is my natural silver white, I love it , should have been braver and stopped colouring it years ago!! - Jill At 54, I am 6 years into my silver journey....no regrets! So much freedom from the time, money and chemicals. I truly wish I had “ditched the dye” much earlier. -@queenbeebeautyfood on Instagram I was worried when I first decided to let the grey come through that my hair would look dull which it did at first. I found I needed to change my make up and be careful of colours next to my skin. 10 yrs on quite happy and none more so since I found these products. Thank you WHH.- Hazel I'm grey not by choice but due to chemotherapy, my new hair has grown through grey and I now actually love it, I will never colour my hair again, it is so precious - Ann
I know it’s definitely not as easy to ditch the dye without the direct help of your hairdresser, but it might be worth asking if they’re willing to have a Zoom appointment for some personal advice. If this isn’t possible, there are many celebratory and helpful articles out there for the best way to begin. You might also want to have a read of my recent Embracing the Grey blog post... for some non-hairdresser but human tips. If you need anything from us, drop us an email at customercare@whitehothair.co.
Take care,
Founder - White Hot