White Hot Summer Recs
It has been a bit of a drizzly start to the summer in the UK, I’m sure the sun will reappear soon and summer can truly begin. Bright days, warm evenings and blue skies…just lovely. Although this year will be different to usual, nature isn’t going anywhere so I hope you all enjoy the outdoors as much as you can in the next few months.
You know we love hearing from you, whether that’s for White Hot product chat, sharing your silver stories or great recommendations. I thought I would share a couple of recent things I have enjoyed and would love you to do the same! I might even do a regular monthly ‘White Hot Recs’ email and include yours too.
THE BOOK REC: I am an Island by Tamsin Calidas
My love of books has transported me to so many places over the last three months, when I’ve hardly ventured further than the local grocery store. Disenchanted with her career and life in London, Tamsin moves to a remote island in the Scottish Hebrides and this book is a vivid and moving account of her life there. The book is described as being about ‘solitude, friendship, resilience and self discovery’ set in the most wild and beautiful landscape. Follow @tamsincalidas on Instagram.
THE HAIR REC: Brilliant Shampoo & Intense Lustre Mask
As the sun beats down (in theory) much more in the coming weeks, our silver can end up looking a little brassier than usual. Our gentle violet formulas will be all you need to banish yellow tones and restore your hair’s natural brightness. Brilliant will give you a boost and following with Intense will bring deep hydration, a pamper and a final brighten. Both can be used separately or together for a super-charged boost.
THE FOODIE REC: Nio Cocktails
Celebrating a birthday? I turned 63 at the end of May and received a fabulous ‘box of cocktails’ in the post. Mixed in Italy, Nio Cocktails only need pouring over ice and you’re done.They’re not your average cocktail in a can and have gorgeous recipes such as a classic Daiquiri, a Gardens of Russia, and a Gin Proved. They just feel that extra bit more special.
So, do share yours, do get in touch and reach out on customercare@whitehothair.co.uk with anything you need.
Take care,