Twas (a few nights) before Christmas....
Twas (a few nights) before Christmas
And here at White Hot….
We want to thank you, we do… a lot.
Our silvers are shining in the crisp winter air
And we’re embracing our greys without a real care.
The tribe is growing, each and every day
Our dyes, tints and colours are being cast away.
Although, the hair dye police we are not,
We feel proud to say, there are such a lot
Of silver vixens and foxes joining us in
Our mission to just be in our own skin.
Accepting ourselves, greys and all
Perhaps even loving them, standing up tall.
From our little team, grateful we are
For all your support, from both near and far.
Enjoy the festivities, feel merry and bright
Happy White Hot Christmas to all, and to all good night!