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Article: Ready to banish the brassiness?

Ready to banish the brassiness?
Product tips

Ready to banish the brassiness?

Ready to banish the brassiness? We all want our silver to look as bright as possible, but sometimes we need a helping hand to give it some extra love and neutralise any (super common) yellow tones. Never fear… we have a solution. First of all, it’s important to understand why this might occur….

1.Bye bye dye...

If you’re a recent new member or transitioning member of the silver tribe, firstly….welcome and secondly, our hair contains a mix of black, red and blonde and you might notice that yellow pigment is the last to leave on the journey to grey. So, patience is key and so is our Brilliant Shampoo, our secret weapon perfect for helping to brighten and reduce that brassy colour.

2. Heat Defeat

I love a quick blow dry or a wizz over with the straightners, but I know that excessive use can discolour my grey or give a dull hue. Again, our Brilliant Shampoo will be your saviour. Another tip would be to experiment with styling your hair without any heat at all…. I know, this might send a shudder down your spine, but popping a few velcro rollers in your hair can give gorgeous volume, minus the heat damage. They’re also really easy to use. Lifeshine Oil is our best kept secret when it comes to smoothing and taming any wild stray greys, without using any heat whatsoever- it is perfect for use on wet OR dry hair and therefore eliminates the need for the straighteners!

3. Bronze it Up

It’s a staple in my make up bag for sure, but if I’m over enthusiastic with my brush, bronzer can leave my fringe looking slightly orangey. I’d firstly recommend the obvious, clipping your fringe out of the way before you start your make up, or using a soft headband to sweep your fringe away from the danger zone…. Secondly, our Glorious Shampoo is ideal for an everyday, shine-giving cleanse to neutralise any dulling pollutants or rogue traces of bronzer.

4. Silver in the Sun

At this time of year after our hair has been exposed to more direct sunshine for several months, our silver can look yellowy, dull and dry. As the colder weather approaches, I would recommend using our Intense Lustre Mask…giving your hair vital deep conditioning and a new lease of life in just 3 minutes. Also, our Brilliant Shampoo, as previously mentioned, gently banishes brassy tones, giving your silver a super-charged boost, removing any traces of sun-induced discolouration.

It’s easy to despair when yellow tones creep in…. But regardless of the thickness, length and condition of your hair, we can help you find a solution, so you can feel confident and bright from head to toe as Autumn approaches.


Founder- White Hot

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