Drizzle Dos and Don'ts
It’s a touch damp in the UK at the moment, to put it lightly. Rain doesn’t often bring our best hair (in our experience, drizz can cause a bit of frizz) so today I thought I would share a few tips to bring the shine back to your strands along with a couple of downpour don’ts.
Keep Lifeshine Oil close by at all times. Whether you’re caught brolly-less in a torrential deluge or strolling in a spot of light drizzle, applying a few drops of our smooth-talker will help to nourish and give a fragrant glossy boost. If your hair is already wet, you may as well soak in some goodness…right?
Wash your hair. It may seem pointless to cleanse on a rainy day, but your hair still needs care. Rather than neglecting your routine, it can actually be a great way for you and your grey to feel pampered after a soggy day outside.
Embrace the waves. Admittedly, when my hair was shorter, I hated getting it wet as it meant my style was a flop. If it rains now, I know I’ll have some lovely new waves, kinks and curls that I can enjoy. Every cloud…
Comb through your hair without any oil or conditioner if it’s feeling knotty and tangled. If you have a longer style and have a hair clip in your bag, twist your hair up and wait until you can give it some gentle de-tangling and de-frizzing at home or with a squirt of Lifeshine Oil on-the-go.
Reach for the heated stylers. If you know you’ll probably be rained on, give the straighteners a miss for the day.
Forget Glorious Shampoo. Our detoxing cleanse is perfect to banish any shine-dulling pollutants with a gorgeous foamy feel.
Want to talk routines or products? Drop us a message on Facebook or Instagram or send a note to customercare@whitehothair.co.uk and we’ll get back to you. Do keep sending us your stories and selfiest too, we really do love to hear from you!
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