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Article: Brassiness Bringers : What makes silver hair look yellow?

Brassiness Bringers : What makes silver hair look yellow?
Product tips

Brassiness Bringers : What makes silver hair look yellow?

‘How do I get rid of the yellow tones?’ ‘Why does my hair look brassy?’ Two of the most asked questions we receive. The only time we’re looking for brass is in an orchestra, let’s be honest here. Natural grey, white and silver hair has a tendency to pick up everyday pollutants and even sunshine, causing a yellow tinge to appear and it can be a nuisance. There are several steps you can take though, to keep your brassiness at bay.

So, firstly how to prevent it?

I’m obviously not expecting you to refrain from sunlight, being outside and being a human moving about the world, but as much as you can - try to guard your hair from the sun’s rays, particularly when it’s really hot (how glorious has this burst of hot September sun been in the UK?). Whether that’s wearing a hat, sitting in the shade if you’re in the sun for longer periods of time or even applying coconut oil to damp hair and twisting it up under a hat while you’re sunbathing.

Try to reduce heated stylers. I know, I know...I love a styled look too. But if brassiness is really bothering you, test out using your heated stylers just one time less in the week and see what happens. If you can get your hands on a styler that has heat control in order to reduce heat damage, that’s ideal. Dyson Hair Dryers and products are great for that, in my experience. Straighteners in particular are not your friend when it comes to yellowy tones, so perhaps try a walk on the wild side and let your hair dry naturally. You may love it!

Keeping it clean. This may seem like a simple tip, but truly white and silver hair looks less yellowy when it’s clean. If your hair is feeling a little dull, give it a double cleanse, once with Glorious Shampoo or Gloss Bar and the second with Brilliant Shampoo, then finish off with a blob of Intense Lustre Mask and Luminous Conditioner together for subtle brightening and hydration. You will certainly notice a difference.

Now, we’re moving into bright maintenance territory. Finding a routine that works for you and your lifestyle is key. If you really can’t let go of those straighteners, I would suggest using Brilliant Shampoo and Intense Lustre Mask on the days you straighten, just as an extra boost of brightening. Although with continued use of heated stylers, brassiness can be stubborn, Brilliant and Intense will help.

In terms of a regime that you can keep consistent, I would suggest incorporating Brilliant Shampoo and Intense Lustre Mask into your routine either as singular products or mixed with others as I mentioned above, once every few washes. Glorious Shampoo or Gloss Bar and Luminous Conditioner are perfect as your everyday combo and always finish off with a few drops of Lifeshine Oil for a boost of hydration and gloss.

A last quick tip, if you’re finding your brassiness just won’t budge, pop a squeeze of Brilliant Shampoo onto the brassiest areas before getting your hair wet. Just leave it for 5 or so minutes and wash out once you get in the shower. Reapply Brilliant Shampoo, cleanse as normal and you’re done. I hope this advice helps. If you have any tips of your own, do send us a message and we’ll mention them in my next brassiness babble.

Any questions you have, reach out on Facebook or Instagram or send us an email at and we would be more than happy to help.

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