Love Aroma
I was recently introduced to lovearoma.co.uk, an online store (and they have some real shops too) that are all about fragrancing your home. I have a serious candle habit and they kindly gave me a discount code to encourage me to try out their veritable Aladdin’s cave of ‘home aroma’. When I get home in the evening, lighting candles is part of my ritual to change the mood of the day, to create an instant ‘I’m home’ feeling that’s particularly important as I’ve just moved house and am still making the space my own. They perch on the edge of my bath, the kitchen window sill, my bedroom dresser, instantly lifting my mood and transporting me somewhere more outdoorsy, more garden, more seaside, more winter, more Christmas depending on the fragrance. My new favourites are the WoodWick candles that crackle as they burn and my two absolute loves are WoodWick Fireside Hearthwick, which is just the warmest, cosiest smell imaginable and Warm Woods Trilogy which is a blend of Fireside, Redwood and Sandalwood scents. Just scrumptious. Like so many of life’s small pleasures, I think a gorgeous candle shouldn’t be saved for a special occasion but be enjoyed for the sheer pleasure of it at the end of a busy day. What are your end-of-day rituals that add moments of joy to your life? Jayne